Advice, understanding and knowledge for health technology SMEs wanting to access the NHS
Our Chapter in SEHTA’s ‘2019 Accessing the NHS Guide’

We are delighted that ORCHA has a chapter in SEHTA’s ‘2019 Accessing the NHS Guide for SMEs: Moving Forward’. The guide is SEHTA’s second Accessing the NHS Guide, which gives advice, understanding and knowledge to health technology SMEs wanting to access the NHS.
Dr David Parry, CEO of SEHTA, says, “The SEHTA team and its partner Hill Dickinson are very proud of this guide. We believe it is unique in providing a readable, informative and comprehensive document to help companies with their aspirations to sell to the NHS.”
ORCHA’s chapter focuses on our work in ‘Digital Health (Apps) & Accreditation’. ORCHA’s CEO, Liz Ashall-Payne, discusses the way in which our app Review Process ensures that new digital health technologies meet appropriate safety and usability standards. Ashall-Payne also explains ORCHA’s work with NHS Digital, in that we support NHS Digital’s Digital Assessment ‘DAQ’ process, thereby aiding the creation and development of an NHS Apps Library.
Click here for your copy of the guide and learn more about how to access the NHS as an SME.